Sunday May 20th the Sun leaves the stable, patiently creative earth sign of Taurus and enters the adaptable and interactive air sign of Gemini. Each succeeding sign of the zodiac provides the means to redirect or apply the energy of the previous sign. Gemini lifts the solid and steadfast energy of Taurus to engage the intellect, connect with others, and create movement. It helps us interact with our world, share our thoughts and ideas, and adapt to changing conditions.
Gemini is traditionally viewed as an outwardly directed “masculine” energy, and its dualistic quality is usually represented by a pair of male twins. In ancient depictions, however, the twins are a woman and man joining hands, or an androgynous pair. The expression of Gemini this month has a distinctively “feminine” quality: grounded, inwardly directed, reflective, sensitive and nurturing. In the ingress chart the Sun in Gemini is disposited and expressed through Mercury in Taurus, giving it an earthy, stable quality. Taking in information through all the physical senses and listening to the body’s communications grounds us in the present moment. Taurus’s ruling planet Venus is in the emotionally sensitive, receptive, and reflective sign of Cancer. It conjoins Pallas Athena in Gemini, describing a creative feminine emotional intelligence that knows how to use communication to build strategic connections. Venus in Cancer is linked to the Moon in Leo conjoining Ceres and the lunar North Node. We are invited to nurture our self and others through sensitive heartfelt expressions of our creative life force as we move towards our evolutionary spiritual destination.
The decidedly feminine quality of the planetary energies described above is reiterated and emphasized by Uranus, newly in the sign of Taurus. For the next seven years Uranus will apply its revolutionary force freeing us to access our feminine side and urging us to embrace the Divine Feminine. It will create changes needed to bring balance to the masculine and feminine principles in ourselves and in our world. Look to the feminine face of Gemini, and tune in to her guidance in the month ahead. Use patience, emotional sensitivity, and heartfelt appreciation for grounded sensibility in your thoughts and communications.
Having been immersed in patriarchy for thousands of years, we are not conscious of the many ways it keeps us from accessing and utilizing our Divine Feminine energy. Patriarchy devalues and denigrates the feminine values of relationship, nurturing and supporting others, having a connection to our emotions, using intuition, and appreciating our Earth, our bodies, and our physicality. Retrograde Jupiter in Scorpio dispositing to retrograde Pluto in Capricorn in the ingress chart speak to the continued unearthing of toxic secrets, corrupt systems, and hidden ways the patriarchy exerts its power and control. In order to restore balance in the outer world, we must deconstruct and transform the old, rigid attitudes and systems of patriarchy that are deeply embedded in us. We can dive deep and eliminate or transform toxic belief systems we carry within us, so that we can hear the voice of the Divine Feminine and embrace her values once again.
In a rapidly changing world Gemini directs us to move with the times. As the structures and systems of the patriarchy continue to undergo deconstruction necessary for evolution, we can listen to the feminine voice of the Messenger of the Gods for direction and guidance through revolutionary change. As we receive her downloads of information and creative insights, we can begin to make sense of the chaos in the world. By embracing Gemini’s feminine communication filter we can be more adaptable, make connections, and bridge divides. Be practical, methodical, deliberate and consistent when communicating with others. Respond carefully, with warmth, serenity and calm. Keep your feet on the ground and a strong connection with your heart. Gemini in her feminine expression will provide fresh perspectives and innovative ideas for supporting others and building a better world.
“Think of yourself as an incandescent power, illuminated and perhaps forever talked to by God and his messengers.” – Brenda Ueland