The sign of Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn, the Lord of Karma, who keeps us on the path of spiritual evolution. Saturn keeps us on track, or holds us back when we deviate from our spiritual path, depending on your attitude. Discipline comes from the word disciple, who is someone who follows a master. When we exercise self-discipline, we follow the master that is our Higher Self, and we keep on our highest path.
Saturn demands that we “come down to earth” and “get real.” It teaches us we reap what we sow. Saturn asks us to have integrity: to be morally accountable and honorable in our word and deed. We learn to take responsibility for what we have created in our life when we experience consequences for our decisions and actions. This is not the same as taking blame, or being blamed for something and made to feel guilty. Instead it means we step up and embrace the opportunity and do the necessary work. It requires action and diligence. By assuming responsibility for our life we achieve a measure of control over our fate.
In Greek and Roman mythology Saturn was known as the God of Time. In astrology Saturn rules cycles of time, the timing of events, aging and the maturation process. It represents wisdom gained over time. Saturn asks us to give up the illusions of youth, to show restraint, and grow up. Saturn teaches us maturity through patience. We gain strength through perseverance and determination as we work through obstacles by making repeated efforts. We are rewarded for our consistent, diligent efforts with respect. In time we gain a reputation as a wise, mature authority.
The planet Saturn takes 2.5 to 3 years to move through a sign. Saturn moved into its own sign of Capricorn on December 21, 2017. It will complete its transit of Capricorn and move into Aquarius on December 18, 2020. Over the coming two years Saturn in Capricorn will challenge us to take responsibility for being our own authority, and make our own decisions in life. Where in your life do you need to be more practical, realistic, and prudent?
In the next two years, issues we have with parental and authority figures and institutions may crop up. We may experience conflicts with our fathers or families, bosses, or government or political systems. We may feel we are not getting the respect we deserve. Honor yourself and have integrity in your words and deeds. Set your own goals and create the structure and organization you need to achieve them. Be committed and set priorities. Make wise use of your resources. Work diligently. Use patience and work with the cycles of time; do not expect immediate results from your efforts. In due course you will earn a reputation of being a wise mature adult, who is an authority in your own right through the experience you have gained.
“Saturn represents that which nails us to the cross of matter, holding us in the world of form.”
– Anne Whitaker