‘Response’ is the root of the words ‘responsible’ and ‘responsibility.’ Responding is taking the initiative to act in a specific way in a situation. Responding is different from reacting to a situation. Reacting is an unconscious, automatic action that comes from ingrained patterns of behavior that are often based on unresolved emotions. Reaction often takes place before we take the time to engage our thinking processes and weigh options. Responding is a conscious act, using our cognitive faculties when engaging with a situation and deciding how best to take action.
Capricorn responds to a situation by autonomously taking action with grounded practicality and a sense of duty. It employs self-discipline to place the needs of a situation above its own wants and desires. Valuing honor and integrity, it is principled. It has a moral commitment to do the right thing, even when it is difficult.
Capricorn exercises its will over its feelings. Using restraint, it places boundaries, or limits on emotionality. Having a serious nature, it is purposeful in its responses. It is sensible, levelheaded and mature when making decisions.
Enterprising Capricorn defines success as achieving excellence in some area or field. It knows that sometimes hard work and perseverance are needed in order to achieve an ambition. Being pragmatic, it defines goals, crystallizes objectives, develops strategies and sets priorities. Through its determination and grit it overcomes obstacles. In time it reaches its aspirations.
Capricorn has wisdom born of real-world experience. It respects natural laws, cause and effect, and karma. It understands dharma, working with the principles of cosmic order. It respects the limitations and constraints of the physical, material world, space and time. Dedicated to its life’s work, Capricorn is structured and organized, making efficient use of time and conserving resources as it lives its life with purpose.
Capricorn holds itself accountable for its actions. It demands personal integrity in all it does. A constant, reliable figure it procures the respect of others and receives its just rewards. It earns a position of authority in the world based on the skills and wisdom it gains through real-life experience.