The social air sign of Aquarius is known for its rational, objective mind and ingenious intellect. It is logical, scientific and original in its ideas. Its interest in progressive and humanitarian causes attracts it to groups of like-minded people who want to reform society. It forms relationships with others so it can work collaboratively with those who share its idealistic principles and vision of the future.
Although friendly and tolerant, it can sometimes appear to be cold and aloof. A keen observer, it creates emotional distance between itself and the object of its study in order to remain open-minded and impartial. In this way it can perceive the world and its workings without bias, and receive clear insights into matters. Curious and astute, it can make connections between disparate pieces of information and see patterns within a greater whole. Highly intelligent, it quickly grasps abstract concepts.
We can align with the energy of Aquarius and use rational detachment and composure to our advantage. Consciously employing emotional detachment can help free us from old ingrained patterns of emotional reactivity. When we become aware of an emotion within us, we can quietly observe it, without judgement or analysis, defensiveness or justification. Approaching our emotion with equanimity, we can perceive it from a neutral perspective. It is neither “good” nor “bad.” It is simply an inner comment on our outer experience in the moment. Creating emotional distance in a situation helps us realize we have a choice in how we respond.
We can make space for more creativity, insight, and innovation when we are not mired down by emotional reactivity in a situation. Standing back, we can appreciate we are not the center of the universe, but part of a much bigger picture. Looking beyond our individual needs, we see we are not alone, but a member of a global community where everyone has wants, needs and feelings. We can treat others as equals and practice “dispassionate compassion” for humanity.
Practicing detachment and equanimity allows the right hemisphere of our brain to contribute more to our thinking and understanding. Left hemisphere processes are linear, empirical and applied. The right hemisphere is intuitive, conceptual, abstract, and insightful. It is associated with a higher frequency of mental energy, where solutions to problems are revealed, and from which all inventions come. Aquarius opens our minds to cosmic consciousness and awareness. It compels us to move beyond our ego identification and connect with the universe on a soul level, propelling us on our evolutionary path.
“True detachment isn’t a separation from life but the absolute freedom within your mind to explore living.” – Ron W. Rathbun