The planet Pluto entered the sign of Capricorn in January 2008. During its transit of Capricorn, Pluto functions through the element of earth. It turns its attention to the systems, structures, and organizations we have built that have provided us with material stability and security. It digs down into their foundations, searching the hidden places for that which is degenerating, out of integrity, dishonest, corrupt and decrepit. It strips away the false facade of inflexible, controlling authoritarian traditionalism to reveal the bare bones, the deeper essence and truth about the system in which we live.
Archetypal Pluto in Capricorn is represented in our world by the patriarchy, which wields ultimate power. We have been living within the confines of patriarchal systems for centuries. Its values reflect hierarchical race, gender, and class distinctions. Its institutional structures, and economic systems place white males in charge, who often subjugate others as they exercise their power and control over resources. Before we can fully manifest new foundations, personal and societal organizations and infrastructures that serve all members of society equally and are sustainable, Pluto must do its work to root out and deconstruct all that is toxic and decaying. During its transit of Capricorn Pluto will continue to be a powerfully disruptive and purging force in patriarchal systems until 2023.
Capricorn rules business and government and financial institutions. In recent years we have experienced eruptive revelations and chaotic fallout in the stock market, banking industry, real estate and the housing market, in large corporations, and in government and political institutions. The student loan crisis has been coming to a head, and a recession looms on the horizon. The coronavirus pandemic revealed inadequacies and corruption in health and social services. As we sift through the ashes of old economic, political, and societal systems that are currently crumbling, we have an opportunity to eliminate that which is not honest and in integrity, and develop practical plans for rebuilding.
The Me Too movement and Black Lives Matter challenge institutionalized sexual harassment and abuse of women, and racially motivated violence against people of color. The LBGTQ movement promotes equal rights for people traditionally discriminated against in the patriarchy. In the next few years we can expect more disruption and protests as additional members of society subjugated by patriarchal systems are unearthed by Pluto. As we sort through the debris ripe for elimination or transformation we are reminded that Capricorn discipline and responsibility is the balance to Plutonian power.
While we observe these events in the outer world, it is important to look within and recognize the parts of ourselves that are also degenerating and need to be eliminated or transformed. This is a time for us to transmute immature parts of ourselves so that we may be spiritually reborn as wiser, more responsible, self-reliant individuals. Rather than give away our power and authority to others and then resent them for it, it is time to reclaim our own Capricorn power and become a wise, compassionate Spiritual Authority to our self. Take time to assess your own attitudes around being “adult.” Revamp immature beliefs and approaches to life. Use self-discipline in exercising your power. Be honorable, self-respecting and respectful of others. Success in life occurs when we are fully grounded in mature, responsible wisdom.