Each succeeding sign of the zodiac in the astrological chart provides the means to rectify or redirect the energy of the previous sign, thereby providing a new avenue for its expression, a new area for its application, or a new way of being in the world. When a planet changes sign by transit, we have an opportunity to integrate the energy of the previous sign into its following sign.
Merging one sign into the subsequent one is not an easy task. This is because two adjacent signs have nothing in common. They are of different polarity, element, and modality. Therefore they have difficulty “understanding” each other. It takes awareness, creativity, and work to combine, integrate, or blend one sign with the next.
For example, the energetic expression of Cancer is of negative polarity, meaning it is inwardly directed, reflective, or introverted. Cancer is a water sign, and represents emotional sensitivity and attunement. The sign of Cancer is of cardinal modality. It initiates action and creates new beginnings from a caring heart-centered place when it feels protected and secure. The subsequent sign of Leo is energetically of positive polarity, outwardly directed or extroverted. Leo is a fire sign: spirited, enthusiastic, commanding and active. A sign of fixed modality, Leo has the determination and will to stick to its desires and objectives, and remain focused until it is completely satisfied. As we move from the sign of Cancer into Leo, we are challenged to find ways they can complement each other or work together.
We have all the signs of the zodiac in our birth charts, and so it is important for us to learn how to skillfully use and express them all. It can be difficult to find ways to transition successfully from one sign to the next, or to blend their energies, or find ways their expressions can work simultaneously or side-by-side in our life. We want to experience the energy of the new sign without leaving the useful and favorable qualities of the previous sign behind.
Two adjacent, unrelated signs can best be integrated and used together when each are expressed in their highest and most productive ways. When a sign is expressed in problematic ways its energy spirals downward, and becomes very difficult for it to work expansively and interactively with another.
Some of the highest and best expressions of the sign of Cancer include emotional sensitivity; gentle vulnerability; providing support and protection; valuing family, home and community; and being devoted to meeting the needs and caring for others. Examples of highest and best expressions for Leo include loving life, being joyful and fun loving; heart-centered and generous; encouraging and inspiring; confident and courageous; creative and spontaneous. These beneficial and productive expressions of Cancer and Leo do not necessarily negate each other, or make it difficult to express the energies of each other. Rather, they complement each other by adding other dimensions of energetic expression, thereby enriching our life experience.
As planets in transit this month segue from the sign of Cancer in Leo, we too can bring emotional understanding and sensitivity for others into play as we courageously act from a heart-centered place. Our devotion for providing for the needs of others in our community and being a nourishing presence feeds our enthusiasm for life, and being a confident, commanding leader who respects the sovereignty of others.
“There is no instinct like that of the heart.” ― Lord Byron