Last month’s two New Moons in Leo, including the solar eclipse, and the lunar eclipse Full Moon provided opportunities for us to connect with our inner divine spark of life, to rededicate ourselves to living with enthusiasm and joy, and to upgrade our unique creative self-expression. This coming month we are invited to apply ourselves and our gifts to improve the human condition and help heal the planet.
As the Sun enters the sign of Virgo seven planets are retrograde, suggesting our energy in the month ahead is meant to be more internal, rather than outwardly directed. We can align with the planetary energy by reviewing recent events and experiences, reflecting on them, reconsidering alternatives, and resolving problematic issues. This resonates with the practical receptive energy of Virgo, which naturally wants to analyze, improve and perfect.
The Sun in Virgo conjoins Mercury, moving retrograde since August 12th. Be discriminating with your words. Be humble in your interactions and communication with others. Think before you speak, and avoid criticism and being nit-picky. When commenting or giving advice, ask yourself, is it true? Is it helpful? Is it inspiring? Is it needed? Is it kind?
The Moon conjoins Vesta in Virgo, reflecting an emotional desire to devote oneself to spiritual service and nurture others. Find ways you can connect with your own inner light, and through community service, be the “keeper of the flame.”
Mars in Leo conjoins the lunar North Node, inviting us to act from a spiritually higher, heart-centered place of love, rather than from a self-serving ego. Mars and the North Node form a grand fire trine with Saturn in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries. While trines are generally seen as supportive, both Saturn and Uranus are retrograde, signifying a need to rein in tendencies to be dogmatic or erratic, and stabilize impulsiveness or combativeness.
Ceres in Cancer is opposed by retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. Corruption, deception and lies continue to be exposed in corporate and government systems and institutions, generating fear for our safety and security. Ceres trine retrograde Chiron in Pisces can lead to indulging in feelings of vulnerability and fears of being victimized. Direct your emotional energy in practical, service oriented ways to improve situations, solve problems, and be a force for better health and healing.
“I slept and I dreamed that life is all joy.
I awoke and I saw that life is all service.
I served and I saw that service is joy.”
– Rabindranath Tagore