The planetary ruler of Sagittarius is Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system. Jupiter was known by astronomers in ancient times and was associated with the mythology and religious beliefs of many cultures. In Babylonia the planet Jupiter represented their god Marduk. In Greek mythology Jupiter is called Zeus, the father of the gods. The Romans named the planet after their chief god Jupiter, who was the guardian and protector of all the other gods. Jupiter is sometimes referred to as Jove. The words ‘jovian’ and ‘jovial’ mean happy or merry, moods ascribed to the favorable influence of Jupiter.
In astrology Jupiter symbolizes expansion, opportunity and growth. In the astrological chart Jupiter represents good fortune, prosperity and blessings, benevolence and grace. It is the force that urges us to seek the freedom to expand our horizons and find a greater connection to the wide world. It shows us how we can build trust and faith in ourselves, and how we can develop inner strength and confidence.
Jupiter helps us create a vision of what we can manifest in this life. It urges us to look towards the future, to set a direction, and aim high with our goals. It encourages us and helps us prepare for future possibilities with enthusiasm and optimism. It uplifts us and connects us to the greater universe. It is the “cosmic cheerleader.”
Jupiter and Sagittarius rule serendipity, an unexpected outcome that results from taking action. Once we have set our goal, Jupiter urges us to make a leap of faith, take action, and let go of our expectations for a specific result. When we trust in serendipity, Jupiter is free to grace us with more luck and benevolence than we might have expected. Wherever Jupiter falls in our chart is where and how we can best experience serendipity working in our life.
When you develop a vision and set goals, stay open and receptive to other possibilities and outcomes. Trust that far-seeing Jupiter can see something better for you down the road.