Chiron in the astrological chart reveals our own unconscious sense of wounded-ness and fears that we may be hurt again. We carry our personal Chiron wounds from old experiences of rejection, abandonment, deprivation, abuse and loss. Although the Chiron wound is experienced personally, it is a universal aspect of being human. An agent of healing, Chiron brings our awareness to matters we need to address. Chiron represents our potential as a Sacred Healer, once we move through the fear and heal ourselves from our own devastating pain and hurt.
Chiron entered the sign of Aries on February 18, 2019. Chiron moving into the sign of Aries for the next eight years directs us to face our fears of asserting our independent selves, moving out into the world and engaging with life, and being spontaneous and decisive. We may look outside ourselves for guidance, approval, and permission in life. We may waver when making decisions or taking action, out of fear of displeasing others or causing conflict. Our minds can keep us stymied as we overthink a situation, and entertain all kinds of scenarios about what might happen.
Instead of succumbing to outside influences, we can align with our own values, our own truths, and then act accordingly. As we seek to heal and become whole, we can gain the self-confidence to live our life boldly and vibrantly. Chiron in Aries will help us address our fears and heal so, like the Nike slogan, we can “Just do it!”
Questions to help you explore Chiron in Aries:
- How self-aware are you? How well do you know yourself?
- What are your priorities in life, your wants and desires? How can you satisfy them?
- Who do you want to be, or become?
- Do you let yourself express your individuality, or do you try to “fit in?”
- In what ways does fear keep you from being true to yourself?
- How do you hold back and compromise your desires in order to “stay safe?”
- Where can you assert yourself in more confident, straight-forward and wholesome ways?
- How can you be a champion for yourself and your own life?
- Where can you take decisive action in order to move forward?
- Release regrets, don’t look back. See each day as a fresh start, a new beginning.
- How can you use excitement and courage to create your life anew?
- Use enthusiasm and self-confidence to be your own brave Spiritual Warrior in life.