One of the important astrological events happening in 2023 is the passage of the dwarf planet Pluto from the sign of Capricorn into Aquarius on March 23rd. During the last 15 years Pluto in Capricorn has directed its formidable powers of resurgence and transformation to expose the darker side of traditional, conventional systems and structures that have provided some semblance of material stability and security. We have witnessed Pluto’s disruptive and purging forces acting upon business, government and financial institutions as it roots out and deconstructs all that is toxic and decaying. What might we experience during the 20 year period of Pluto in Aquarius?
Aquarius is concerned with philosophy, ethics, reforming society and progressing into the future. It promotes humanitarian ideals, values equality, and is a champion for the unique individual. Pluto was last in Aquarius during 1778-1798, a period marked by revolution, extensive changes in social order and individual rights. It was also a time of scientific breakthroughs and the first industrial revolution. In the coming years we may witness unprecedented advances in science and technology, including genetic engineering and the use of machinery to enhance human longevity. We may also see advanced technological breakthroughs in computer science that affect our social media and global networking platforms. Pluto will work to reveal the darker side of these developments.
While we may be preoccupied with changes in the outer world, Pluto in Aquarius prods us to look deep within ourselves, to explore the mysteries of what it is to be human. How can we express our own uniqueness as an individual within the context of society? Do we protect and promote the freedom of others? How can we come into a greater knowing of our own strength and power, instead of attempting to control others? In what ways can we temper rebelliousness with self-control? Can we find innovative ways to cooperate and share resources on our planet? Through self-transformation we can play our part moving humanity into the future.
“Those who do not think outside the box are easily contained.” ― Nicolas Manett