When we refer to our mind, our rational thoughts and intellectual powers, we tend to see them residing in and emanating from our brain. However recent discoveries in modern science suggest our consciousness is not limited to functions of the brain and its central nervous system, but include the heart and other organ systems. Information received and processed through various systems contribute to our total awareness, which we can refer to as the mind.
In astrology we attribute the rational, intellectual functions of our conscious awareness to the planetary archetype Mercury, the ruler of the sign of Gemini, and the 3rd House in the horoscope. Through Mercury and its sign and house affiliations we connect and move within our immediate environment, taking in sensory information and interacting with people in our vicinity. In astrology we call this part of our conscious awareness the “lower mind,” because it serves as an information conduit and processor that connects us on the ground to our local surroundings.
In contrast, the “higher mind” is attributed to the planetary archetype Uranus, modern ruler of the sign of Aquarius, and the 11th House of the horoscope. Uranus is referred to as the higher octave of the planet Mercury. It functions like an antenna that receives information from a vaster cosmic field of intelligence. Through the higher mind we receive downloads of information, intuitive insights and understanding. We make connections between seemingly disparate kinds of data and information, discover patterns, and see things in new and different ways. We have mental breakthroughs, and inspired creative ingenuity.
The Uranian “higher mind” can electrify and inspire the Mercurial “lower mind” to think about things in new and unique ways. Integrating the functions of the higher and lower conscious minds provides freedom in our thinking, and fosters invention and innovation in our lives.
In addition to the levels of conscious awareness, we receive and process information from subconscious and superconscious levels. In astrology we assign the realm of the subconscious to the Moon, ruler of the emotional water sign of Cancer, and the 4th House in the horoscope. The subconscious part of us dictates our autonomic body functions, and our instinctual and reactive behaviors. Astrologically, it refers to our ancestry, our familial, genetic, and karmic past. It harbors our somatic memories, the “issues in our tissues.” It describes what we need to feel a sense of emotional belonging, which in turn makes us feel safe and secure in the world.
The superconscious falls under the rulership of the planet Neptune, ruler of the transcendent water sign of Pisces, and the 12th House in the horoscope. It is analogous to Carl Jung’s collective consciousness. This part of our awareness connects us to the collective memories and experiences of all of humankind. We intuitively know that as an individual, we are but a drop of water in a vast ocean. When we tap into the superconscious part of our awareness, we know our individual experiences are not unique, but have been experienced by many others, albeit in somewhat different circumstances and forms. We learn to have empathy, sympathy, and compassion for others. We feel part of something much greater than our ego-identified selves. Our mind’s field of awareness becomes greatly expanded.
Becoming aware of the different levels of awareness operating within us allows us to develop and integrate them. Using them in concert contributes to an overall greater and richer human experience as we move through life.
“Our thoughts are a field of energy cycles, a mind field, and just by our thoughts alone we impact not only ourselves but those around us as well.”
― Wayne W. Dyer